
Through a range of playful activities, people from all walks of life participate in exploring and unpacking complexity—building a greater sense of agency. Emerging ideas are continously reviewed and some are transformed into provocations aimed to promote dialogue with designers, policy makers, and the public.

Reflecting on the potential of increasing participation in the policy making process but simultaneously mirroring a distancing that exists today between political actors and subjects, the authority chat bot attempts to promote imagination and involvement about an inaccessible topic through an automated, customer-service type of experience.

Try the AWG Chatbot

Building on participation and contributions submitted to the chatbot, an Authority Working Group was founded to invite deeper collaboration and exploration with others. Both through digital and in-person sessions, people share radical and compelling ideas on the types of authorities that could exist.

In-person jam sessions are conversational co-creation and knowledge sharing gatherings featuring physical activities, templates, and other tools that let people collectively play with and express potential policies that could lead to the creation of new authorities or changes to ones we already have.

Based on proposals gathered and further defined in collaborative workshops, authority pilots are attempts to demonstrate, realise, or visualise the potential role hypothetical authorities can play in our society.